|#|propaganda technique|section|full quote|
|1|Appeal to fear|it's frightening|Words have consequences, and it's frightening what sort of action this rhetoric might inspire.|
|2|Demonizing the enemy|voters are being misled|Fox's coverage matters enormously because tens of millions of Trump voters are being misled by it.|
|3|Dysphemism|reckless, irresponsible, dishonest, and dangerous|Oliver Darcy writes: "It is hard to overstate how reckless, irresponsible, dishonest, and dangerous the rhetoric coming from Fox's biggest stars is.|
|4|False accusations|pro-Trump propagandists are undermining the election|But, that said, it's not really surprising that Hannity and the other pro-Trump propagandists are undermining the election. |
|5|Loaded language|poisonous|So let's start with the facts, then deal with the pro-Trump media's poisonous content.|
|6|Smears|leads with facts while Trump leads with feelings|In a moment of truth for America, Biden leads with facts while Trump leads with feelings|
* auto-generated with [propagi.org](https://propagi.org/article/5)