The End of ‘America First’: How Biden Says He Will Re-engage With the World

Date: 20201109
Author: By David E. Sanger @SangerNYT

Description: Those who have known President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. for decades say they expect him to move carefully, providing reassurance with a few big symbolic acts.
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# Propaganda Technique Quote Source
1 Tragically, the one place Donald Trump has made ‘America First’ is his failed response to the coronavirus
2 “On top of Trump embracing the world’s autocrats and poking his finger in the eye of our democratic allies, that’s another reason respect for American leadership is in free fall.”
3 “On top of Trump embracing the world’s autocrats and poking his finger in the eye of our democratic allies, that’s another reason respect for American leadership is in free fall.”
4 “On top of Trump embracing the world’s autocrats and poking his finger in the eye of our democratic allies, that’s another reason respect for American leadership is in free fall.”
5 Power vacuums have been created, and filled, often by China.
6 Democracies have retreated.
7 Now, however, the United States has discovered what happens “when some other country tries to take our place or, maybe even worse, no one does, and you end up with a vacuum that is filled by bad events.”